Enhance Your Pout with Lip Injections in Louisville

Enhance Your Pout with Lip Injections in Louisville

Lip augmentation treatments are very popular. They have gone from being something that no one wanted to admit having to literally being as mainstream as going to the dentist and having your teeth whitened. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons has noted a 50...
Understanding PRP Hair Restoration

Understanding PRP Hair Restoration

Hair loss is an issue that affects millions of people. There are many treatment options out there, but they are either too dramatic or not terribly effective. PRP hair restoration can help trigger natural hair growth, make your hair thicker, and boost self-esteem....
Eliminate Stubborn Fat with Liposuction in Louisville, KY

Eliminate Stubborn Fat with Liposuction in Louisville, KY

Body fat is a necessary nutrient. It is responsible for helping us regulate our body temperature, it lubricates our cardiovascular system, and it also plays a major role in female fertility and hormone regulation. When we have too much body fat, eating at a calorie...
Why Patients Love Kybella

Why Patients Love Kybella

Kybella® offers a non-surgical way to get rid of a double chin. It has helped thousands of individuals in the United States and other countries to improve their appearance, boost their confidence, and reach their goals. It is one of the most popular non-surgical...